Getting Educated

Another week has passed us by. We are on a steady forward march towards spring, even if it doesn't look that way as I peer out my window at the snowstorm engulfing my region.
Mistress has been busy lately and I have had little contact with her over this last week. But that has not kept me from learning more about femdom. I had mentioned in my last post that I found this new social website called CollarNCuffs. It is a site dedicated to the femdom lifestyle. I decided this time not to dive into meeting people and sending those cold call message asking random people to be friends. It is something I do not enjoy doing. So I am following some groups and doing a lot of listening and learning. As I was familiarizing myself with the site I discovered the "BDSM Study" section. What I found here is a great resource for us who are new to the scene and those who need to learn a little more about femdom like myself. I have started at the "For Beginners" and I am reading it now. I will write here again when I am finished and tell you about it. But being impatient I skimmed over the titles of other chapters. Like "How to meet a Domme". "How to act in a chatroom". "BDSM furniture". And the last one I checked was "How to use....." Plus there is a ton of other stuff to review. A person could spend weeks reading through all the course material. I personally have set aside 30 minutes each day to read a little more. If other times come available I will check the reading material out too. Sadly there does not appear to be a final exam though. I presume finding a dominant or a sub is the final test. Too bad I am not getting compensated for endorsing this site, but none the less it is worth a look-see for any hopeful sub looking for an owner. I know I will be following CollarNCuffs more.

I am not sure what my next post will be. I hope that my owner might provide me with new training to tell you about. Please check out the latest Question and Answer that she posted. So until next weekend.

slave allan

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