Welcome to Detention

From time to time I meet new people online. We become acquainted, and on occasion, we help each other out. This post is just one of those occasions. I meet this individual in one of FetLife's groups. After reading some of my post on my blog, they asked if I would compose something for their particular group. At this point, I am not providing the person name. I do not have permission to do so. But if the nature of the group interest you. Let me know and I will make the connection for you.

Welcome, class.
First Semester.
Class rules and conduct.

1: My name is ******. Not Mistress, Goddess, Ma'am or any other title. I will give every student one slip up. Any mistakes afterward with my name will find you writing it out three hundred times a week for eight weeks.

2:  While attending my class you belong to me. What this means is that while you are doing one of my assignments, I own you. If I have a desire for you to do a random task while doing the assignment, similar to a slave, you have to do it.

3: When in class I expect a polite submissive behavior. Which means that if you need an extension on a deadline, time to go shopping or to have an orgasm. You need my permission first.

4: Assignments are to be done on white line paper. Written in longhand with blue ink. If you do not know longhand let me know and I will give you permission to use print form.

5: I expect excellence from my students. So, mistakes will not be tolerated, nor will white out correction paint. If you make an error start the page over from the top. If you try and sneak (White Out, or any other correction product) pass me, and I catch it, you will find yourself writing this five hundred times (I am sorry ******  for being an idiot to have believed I could get a mistake passed you and to think that you would miss it.

6: While doing assignments students are expected to be in proper class uniforms. Boys are to be dressed solely in panties, while girls are to be solely wearing boys’ briefs. Neither sex is permitted any other coverings.
7: I have many students and need to take attendance once a week. If you live in the northern hemisphere, I expect a message identifying yourself and a brief description of your week. You will also let me know if you are ready for a new task or not. The message needs to be in my inbox on Sunday. For my southern hemisphere students. Your attendances messages are required on Thursday.

8: Your first assignment for me, once I have excepted you as a student, is to write a 750-1000-word autobiography. I want a description of how you want me to envision you. A background in how and what drew you to BDSM. I want to know how you view yourself as a submissive, and what you hope to achieve by being my student. You have 3 days to submit it.

9: I want you to tell me when you reach your sixth assignment. For this assignment, you're going to put yourself in two roles. One is a reporter, and the other is a pony girl, or boy. I want a minimum of 1200 words describing the interview. There also needs to be a dialogue between the reporter and the person submitting to be a pony girl/boy. You have 5 days to submit it.

10: At any time of my choosing, I will inform you that it is midterm. Your midterm essay is 1800 words on the Greek God Zeus. You have 7 days to submit it.

11: Your twelfth assignment for me will have you writing a fictional story of you spending several hours with a Mistress or Master in their dungeon. Minimum of 1500 words. You have 5 days to submit it.

12: Imagine you are writing a blog entry. For this installment, you are writing 1000 words on how a chicken produces an egg. You have 36 hours to submit it.

13: Oh, how unlucky for you. Write 1100-word essay on the reason why the number 13 is considered unlucky. You have three days to submit it.

14: When was the last time you looked at the Terms of Use for FetLife? Can't remember. Well, today is your lucky day. Find them and write them out for me. You have four days to submit it.

15: Write out the national anthems of seven countries of the British Commonwealth. You have 4 days to submit it.

16: Term paper. Minimum of 3000 words on the construction and history of the Great Wall of China. I need Foot Notes and References. You have 12 days to submit it.

As an educator, I know there is always a few bad apples in every group. I have ways to deal with these trouble makers too. If you are tardy on an assignment without just cause, disrespectful to me, or other students, or repeatedly violating the rules of conduct. You will find yourself doing one of the following.

17. Write out by hand a five-hundred-word essay on bees and pollination. Now using Google translate, take your essay and translate it into Italian, then write it out again in that language. Submit everything to me, even screen shoots of the translating. You have 5 days to submit it.

18. You will choose six groups from my profile. Now you are going to write six different 250-word apologies for each of the groups. You will explain what you did wrong, say you’re sorry, beg for forgiveness and ask the readers for their comments on a suitable punishment. You have two days.

19: Sometimes a student is so bad that a form of corporal punishment is needed. In my class that is writing out the following sentence 3000 times. "I am sorry ******and promise to be good from now on, please I beg that you will punish me for my stupidity. You will be writing these lines while having clothespins on your nipples. You are to write for twenty minutes, remove the clothespins and rest for ten minutes, before putting the clothespins back on and writing for twenty more minutes. Do this cycle four times once a day. Three days a week until complete. Also, to ensure there is no cheating, each page needs to be numbered and dated, plus every 37th line is to be done in colored crayon. A different color for every time.

20. Write out the alphabet with commas between each letter 250 times, while standing on dry rice with an ice cube wrapped in a napkin held in between your thighs. Every 23rd line is to be done in a different color crayon. You must do it in one sitting or standing in this case. Send me the time and date you will be starting. You have ninety minutes, and five minutes to have it in my inbox. If you fail do it again. Keep doing it until you can complete it in the allotted time.

As you can see if you cross me, I can be quite evil. So welcome to my classroom. Let's get started, shall we?

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