Happy New Year

January 01, 2020
Why it only feels like yesterday and we were all scurrying around worrying about the Y2K bug. Sit there watching Time Square on TV wondering if the power will go out as the clock struck midnight on the dawn of a new millennium, a new century, a new decade, a new year and a new day all at the same time January 01, 2000.

Since then we have seen a lot. It's hard to believe that were one year away from the twentieth anniversary of that terrible day in September were the world stopped and watched New York City, and it wasn't to watch some celebration on TV. That day change the world for everyone of use. Even today someone will ask, "where were you when...," and out of respect I'll not finish that sentence.

A lot has happened since the millennium started. The rise of the internet being one of the biggest. Back in the 1990's as the internet was becoming mainstream and average people started to hear words like, dial-up, what speed is your modems, and everyone wanted their modem to be 56K. Most of use dedicate a corner of our homes to setup our new pride and joy, the home computer. We unpacked our boxes and cursed as we tried to setup our monitors, printers, page scanners, and speakers. The struggle we had trying to match up all the different ends of cords to the back of the computer. The floppy disc gave way to the CD ROM. Then came the USB stick and so on, and so on.

New giants replaced the armies of the world. We saw the rise of Apple, Microsoft, Facebook ,and Google to name a few. These companies became huge power houses, dictating policies that runs the world now, much the same as super power countries use to hold power by the amount of bombs they had. Companies like these introduce global mobility first with the laptop, then came the iPods and tablets.

Today I would say the majority of us have a smartphone. Running here and there everyday with the internet in the palm of our hands. Plus with the use of the cloud our phones have become more powerful than that huge computer sitting on your desk at home. All together now let's say it together, "tricorder." Don't know what that is just ask your Trekkie friend to explain it to you, or better yet, Google it.

Now that you looked it up, would you not agree that our phones are becoming those things. A hand held device that does virtual everything for you. Just think back in the 90's if a kid wanted a light on they would tell, "Mom! Turn the light on." and after a selection of words from Mom the kid would grudgingly get up and flick on the switch.

Fast forward twenty five years and now that kid has their own children, but unlike them the kids today don't call for someone to turn on the light, and God forbid if the actual had to physically move to turn on the light. No! The would use their phone, slide their finger across the screen on some app. And abracadabra, Bob's your uncle the light comes on. Or even better yet let's not stop Facebooking, Snap chatting or Tweeting. All the kid has to do is bark out an order, "Alexia, turn on the light," and instantly the light comes on.

Remember the superpower companies I mentioned above, they invent all these smart items. The smartphone, smart TV, the smart fridge, the smart home. All things that mostly came to be in the last nineteen years. Item that have change life yet again, like those other ones I already mentioned.

So here we are again on the first day, of a new year, of a new decade. I started to use a word from a century ago, along with my twist to discribe the next ten years, "The Roaring Twin Twenties."  So with that said what new wonders lay ahead for humanity.

During the last decade I am happy a particular book brought the notion of BDSM more to the forefront. Although the three titles of that book series left me disappointed, I did finally enter the BDSM scene. It may still only be online for now. But I openly talk about it. I write BDSM stories, and it is openly know that I wish to submit to a Mistress someday in real life. But until then I'll just have to look forward to the next decade, and wait to see what app. controlled kinky toy, the techno wizards come up with next

So Happy New Year and may the Roaring Twin Twenties be good to you and your families.

Please remember you can follow me here on my blog or at one of the following sites under the username slaveallan68.
Plus in the new year I plan to join Facebook. If there are other fetish sites that you might know of, please, please let me know about them.

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