Something I did when I was a young adults

Often as I wrote in my blog, I've mentioned that I have never been lucky enough to be tied up. This statement is not complete correct. There is one non-scene encounter I would like to share.

Recently I had a chance to talk to my old roommate. We have not seen each other in at least a decade. As we talked memories of things that we did as young men came back to us.

Way back in my twenties as I was just starting to stand on my feet as an adult we met. Both he and I were young and in a new city. So we rented an apartment to share expenses.

Anyhow he asked if I remember the time that he along with his girl friend and this girl we both knew tied me up. I had to laugh at the very thought of it. It is an experience I dearly cherish. Primarily because no one knows of my submissive side, and they want to tie me up. No brainer there right. If you let me I would like to share some of that experience with you now.

Its a hot late September afternoon. I can't remember whether it was Saturday or Sunday though. I was talking on the phone when my roommate's girlfriend and friend arrived. I was polite acknowledging their arrival and even waved hello. I then continued on with my phone call. I was in the living room talking on the phone. Remember when I was in my early twenties most phones still had wires attaching it to the wall. You could say I was tether to a wall by the phone lol. So the three friend went to the kitchen dining room area. I could see them but I wasn't paying attention to their conversation, but caught them taking quick glances my way with big smirks on their faces. But I just passed it off as them having a good time and wondering when I would join them. Boy was I ever wrong. What happened next is a bit of a blur. As I was talking on the phone and not paying attention The three cohorts gathered up a blanket and cushion an ambushed. They had me  completely disoreanted. Amongst the banshee yells and laughter they pounced and pinned me to the floor. It was by using a blanket my roommate enveloped my upper body and he use his momentum to push me to the floor. The girl giggling like crazy through the pillows on my torso and legs and used their body weight to hold me down.

I will confess that my attempts to resist was meager at best. I did the obligatory squirming and protesting but didn't try to hard to escape. Let it be noted that at that time I could of easily pushed the three away and stood up. But why would I. This was fun. The trio was nice enough to let me say bye to my friend on the phone before hanging it up.

My roommate and our friend using the bodies held me down. My roommate's girl friend scurried around the apartment looking for something to tie me up with. It didn't take her to long before she returned with her bounty of stuff. She had with her a thin extension cord, a belt, a piece off rope and her make up bag. The girls switched spots and the girl friend started wrapping the extension cord around my ankles. Before long she had the cord wrapped around and between each ankles, with several coils around both legs for good measure.  Then the belt went around my thighs. But when she tried to cinch the belt tight there was no hole to use. She instructed me to stay still and told the other two to hang onto me while she checked the kitchen for a pair of scissors to make a hole. Moments later I hear a squeal of delight come from her. She reemerge with the scissor and a role of duct tape. I remember think oh no not the tape. A hole was made in the belt and fastened. A few coils of tape was the wrapped around above my knees and around my shins completely securing my legs. Having my legs tied when my roommate asked me not to struggle to much and to lie down on my stomach. Once again I protested a little for effect. But I obediently rolled onto my belly and put my hands behind my back. The girlfriend once again went to work with the length of rope and tied my wrist together. Up until then I always pride myself at being able to wiggle myself out of anytime I have been tied up. This time I find myself unable to free myself. A couple of pass of duct tape my fate, I am unable to escape. I am then helped from my spot laying helplessly face down, to a seated position with back against the wall, and my legs stretched out in front of me. One of the girls mentioned how it was to bad that they hadn't made me put on a dress. To bad for them, I presently didn't have any dresses hanging in my closet.

Now did I mention that the girlfriend had fetched her make-up kit. She opened it and was routing around in it. I felt this was a good time to voice my objection to having any make-up put on me. "Its not like you have a choice in it." the girlfriend said laughing. She also said " if you keep complaining I will pull your socks off and stick them in your mouth. Understand?" I shook my head yes choosing not to challenge her. I must admit that even though I new this was all for fun. I was turned on by the sternness she was trying to portray. My friend's girlfriend pull some stuff out of the bag, then asked her friend if there is anything she would like to use. The friend nodded yes and took the bag from the girlfriend.

So as I sat there defenceless the girlfriend knelt down by me. I don't mind mentioning that when the girlfriend leaned in to start making me up, that I was enjoying the experience a lot. "Let's make you pretty shall we." Or something similar is what my friends girlfriend said next. Even to this day I still do not know much about applying make-up so other than the lipstick I do not know what the other makeup stuff is called. She patted powder on my face. Rub some kind of paste on my skin. She put stuff on my eyes that made me look like a raccoon. Then of course let's not forget the lipstick. After all the makeup was on the other friend put lots of hairspray on my head then processed to rub flour into my hair. Made up I was, pretty not so much. The one saving grace I did have is still being a bachelor. The girls wanted to put me in a dress, but I had nothing of the sort on hand. So for an alternative my ankles were released and they had me shimmy out to the car. I spent the next few hours tied up in the back seat of the car being paraded by restaurant drive through windows. The whole experience was fun. To tell the truth as I was tied up in the car I had secretly wish I was forced into the situation with a whole lot less clothing on. But as I said, I had a great time. Since then I had  wished for a similar experience. Sadly that was as close as I ever came to BDSM play as an adult. My old friend and I had a great visit. It was nice to have caught up with him and remembering that fun time, and the silly things we do when were young.

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